Archive search

Simply search by school for a list of results showing the availability of images and purchasing options.

Title School/College Date
Torpid Harrow Football XI Harrow School 6th May 1983
Football XI Harrow School 7th March 1983
Assault March and Shoot Competition Harrow School 7th March 1983
Yearlings Harrow Football Harrow School 7th March 1983
House Group Harrow School 7th June 1983
Harrow Football Harrow School 8th June 1983
House Circus Harrow School 8th June 1983
Elite Harrow School 8th June 1983
The Undisputed Harrow School 8th June 1983
Bridge Team Harrow School 8th June 1983
Fives 1983 Harrow School 9th May 1983
Torpid Rugby XV Finalists Harrow School 1983
Drill Squad Harrow School 1983
Torpids XI Harrow School 1983
Corps Harrow School 1983
Senior Cross Country Harrow School 1983
Cross Country Harrow School 1983
Orion Harriers Schools Trophy Harrow School 1983
Junior Colts 1st XV Harrow School 1983
Ansell Bowl Harrow School 1983