Archive search

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Title School/College Date
CCF Pipe Band Eton College 1st June 1983
Fives Eton College 4th May 1983
Under 16 Fives Eton College 4th May 1983
Group in School Yard ( Catholic Br) Eton College 4th February 1983
Chapel Choir Eton College 3rd July 1983
House Group Eton College 3rd June 1983
Corps Tattoo & Fireworks Eton College 3rd June 1983
House Play Eton College 3rd February 1983
School Play Eton College 29th May 1983
Untitled Eton College 29th January 1983
Untitled Eton College 29th January 1983
Colts B in Luxmoore's Eton College 27th September 1983
Eton Society Eton College 27th May 1983
Field XI Eton College 26th April 1983
Relay Team Eton College 22nd April 1983
Field XI Eton College 22nd April 1983
Village Green Preservation Society Eton College 20th May 1983
Group of Four (Brothers) Eton College 2nd June 1983
CCF Colour Party Eton College 1st June 1983
CCF Officers and Sergeants Eton College 1st June 1983