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Title School/College Date
Upper Sixpenny A Eton College 1982
House Group Eton College 1982
House Football Eton College 1982
Upper Sixpenny B Eton College 1982
Aquatics Eton College 1982
Fencing Team Eton College 1982
House Group Eton College 1982
House Group Eton College 1982
Leaving Breakfast - Smith Gordon Eton College 1982
House Group Eton College 1982
Aquatics Eton College 1982
Under 14 Tennis Eton College 1982
Arawa Maoritanga Eton College 1982
XXXIII Group ( 3rd XI) Eton College 1982
Under 15 Tennis Eton College 1982
Threepenny I Eton College 1982
Shooting VIII Eton College 1982
Leaving Breakfast - Thistlethwayte Eton College 1982
Monarch in Luxmoore's Eton College 1982
Library (Leavers) Eton College 1982