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Title School/College Date
Monarch in Luxmoores Eton College 1988
Senior Football Eton College 1988
Cup Winners Eton College 1988
House Field Eton College 1988
Sports Teams Eton College 1988
Junior Colts C Eton College 1988
Pool Eton College 1988
Boat Choices Eton College 1988
Colts C Eton College 1988
Strawberry Mess Eton College 1988
House Steeplechase 1988 Eton College 1989
House Football Eton College 1989
Shooting Team Eton College 1989
Junior House Football Eton College 1989
House Fives 1988 Eton College 1989
House Rugby Eton College 1989
House Squash Eton College 1989
House Hockey Eton College 1989
Senior 7-a-side Rugby 1988 Eton College 1989
Unison Song Winners Eton College 1989