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Title School/College Date
Cup Finalists Eton College 1979
Junior League Eton College 1979
Select C Eton College 1979
Junior Football Eton College 1979
Senior Consolation Eton College 1979
7-a-side Rugby Eton College 1979
Spanish League Eton College 1979
Combined Football Eton College 1979
Pops Group Eton College 1979
1st XV Rugby Eton College 5th December 1979
2nd XV Rugby Eton College 5th December 1979
Under 16 Rugby Eton College 7th December 1979
Under 14 Rugby Eton College 7th December 1979
Colts Harrow School 10th December 1979
1st XV Rugby Harrow School 10th December 1979
House Monitors Harrow School 10th December 1979
Marmots Club Harrow School 10th July 1979
Glee Harrow School 11th December 1979
House Rugby Team Harrow School 11th December 1979
Football Team Harrow School 13th June 1979